Drones - Systems of Information
on culTural hEritage
Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage
Research experiences for the development of documentation and analysis systems conducted through the use of drones
D-SITE is the first International Conference dealing with the use of drones in the field of Cultural Heritage. It is directed to researchers and experts working for the design of UAVs production and the use of drones for Cultural Heritage digitization finalizing innovative documentation services that integrate and complete the existing practice. In the last few years, the use of UAVs is becoming increasingly important in many areas related to the science of architectural survey, topography, engineering and architecture. Used for monitoring and surveying, drones are an opportunity for the development of increasingly effective systems for the documentation.
The event aims to provide a framework of the State of Art of this phenomenon, laying the foundations for the development of innovative systems of analysis and growth of innovative methodologies with a multidisciplinary nature.
The use of UAVs is increasingly widespread in activities related to Heritage documentation. In recent years the development of methodologies of data integration, obtained through surveys that exploit drones to reach privileged observation points, has been witnessed by the numerous computation platforms, software and tools, that populate the exchange. The definition of increasingly reliable methodologies and procedures of close-range photogrammetry has produced considerable results in the survey of Architectural Heritage. Nowadays, several Universities and Research Centers, together with enterprises, are working to optimize documentation services whose goal is, in any case, the representativeness of technical data aimed at the project development.
Parallel to aerial documentation, even the application of remote controlled terrestrial drone systems is renewing the inspection and survey practices in architecture and on territory, overtaking barriers and access dimensions to sites and contexts in emergency otherwise impractical for human operators. Surface rovers and submarine robotics, equipped with controlled cameras and implemented survey devices, in terms of stability and compartment, contribute to complete an extremely scientific and innovative field, where the central theme of robotics applied to Cultural Heritage documentation is expanded and consolidated in correspondence to the international categories of UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicles) and UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles).
Drones, in the wider terms of their definition, are now used for documentation, management, protection, maintenance, and monitoring, integrating imaging systems or measuring instruments that contribute to define three-dimensional databases on Cultural Heritage. This conference is promoted with the aim of collecting recent experiences on that topic and of providing a moment of reflection between academic and enterprise realities for the promotion of updated frameworks for the development of research in the architectural survey field.
The event will consist of three days, 16th-18th June 2022, and it will be organized through training workshops, exhibition-stands of the main companies operating in the field of drone production and connected survey systems that will be able to realize demonstrations and illustrate the latest news in this field. These events will then be joined by interventions describing research activities and documentation projects conducted through the use of drones.
The Conference will be held on 17th and 18th of June, with guest speakers and participants from organizations and national and international research institutes that will describe the specific research activities in the different conference sessions.
The event, placed in Pavia, Italy, will consist of three days, 16th-18th June 2022, and it will be organized through training workshops, exhibition-stands of the main companies operating in the field of drone production and connected survey systems that will be able to realize demonstrations and illustrate the latest news in this field.
These events will then be joined by interventions describing research activities and documentation projects conducted through the use of drones. Researchers, Professors or PhD students, who work in research projects that deal with heritage documentation activities conducted through the use of drones, are invited to participate in the event!
Conference Keywords:
UAVs remote sensing, UAVs services, UAV systems, UAV-based applications, UAVs data handling, Photogrammetry from UAV, USV endangered heritage, UUV underwater heritage.

The extensive use of UAS;
UAVs national and international legislation;
New approaches to fast, low-cost and open sources survey;
Acquisition systems for critical and emergency areas inspections of places difficult to access with UAS;
Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) for remote inspection and documentation of submerged sites.
Surface rover and USV for emergencies or Endangered Heritage: state of the art and applications;
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Geosciences;
Potential and development of the use of UAS in agriculture;
UAVs and photogrammetry for landscape and territorial aspects analysis: geological, agricultural, forestry, etc.
LiDAR system from UAS for the analysis of territorial aspects: geological, agricultural, forestry;
Urban Air Quality Monitoring using UAS: sensors and future perspectives;
UAS applications in different environments: archaeological, urban, monumental
3D modelling from UAVs for the visualization, preservation and sharing of complex architectures;
UAS to support Building Information Modeling workflows;
SfM Procedural modeling from UAVs for the Digital Twin applications;
Quality assessment of UAV survey
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D-SITE 2022 conference is organized by

DICAr | Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia.
in collaboration with :

Drawing Architecture Document-Action Laboratory
Photography and 3D Laser for virtual Architecture LaboratorY

LS3D- Joint Laboratoy
Landscape, Survey & Design

DICIV | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno

Laboratorio Modelli,
Surveing and Geo-Mapping for Enviroment and Cultural Heritage
In collaboration with:


Media Partners
June 2022