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Special Session

Geology and UAV: research, experiences and future perspectives 

Chair - Dott.  Francesco Zucca

University of Pavia

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

The use of UAV (s.l.) has grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to the simultaneous development of increasingly performing platforms and a heterogeneous range of sensors. The ability to use the potential of this mixing has made it possible to increase acquisition productivity and significantly reduce operating costs and hazards, as well as opening the door to a plethora of new applications. Geology is benefiting more than others from this favorable trend.  This session is proposed to improve the level of knowledge of this context, for all disciplines concerning Geosciences (Geomorphology, Geomechanics, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Pedology, etc...) sharing state of the art experiences and research, without forgetting the future.

Session I 


Session II 


Session I 


Aerial, Ground and Underwater Robotics for Cultural Heritage 

Chair - Prof. Lorenzo Pollini

                Dott. Riccardo Costanzi

University of Pisa

Department of Information Engineering

The involvement of high-technological robotic vehicles and tools modified the operational aspects

of the work of many professionals. The field of Cultural Heritage is not exempt from this wide spectrum revolution. Necessities within this specific field of application drove, in the last years, part of the research and innovation. New possibilities of e.g. cost-affordable aerial imagery, 3D scanning, and underwater site exploration are fostering novel applications worldwide.

The goal of this Special Session is to bring together experts of Unmanned Vehicle research

development, operations and best practice with focus on technological transfer from research institutions to vehicle integrators and end-users.

Session III 


Session I 


Remote Sensing in agriculture and forestry 

Chair - Prof. Enrico Borgogno 

University of Turin

Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences (DISAFA)

Co Chair - Dr. Mirco Boschetti 


The integration of the agriculture and forestry domain into the Copernicus users community is further increasing the possibility to address the needs of this sector with new remote-sensing based services and information. The aforementioned services are also enabling dedicated platforms for the integrated management of multi-scale and multi-sensors (satellite, aerial, UAV) data and other information sources from public and private entities.

A significant acceleration has occurred in recent months due to the COVID-19 emergency, pushing further the use of Remote Sensing to minimize field activities and increase the remote exchange of data between farmers and agro-forest technicians, through dedicated digital and web applications (e.g. Regulation EU No 2020/532).

In this innovative context, spatial data and geoinformation play a key role in facilitating the “digital transformation” of the agronomic and forestry domain, providing operational services to users characterized by a higher level of accessibility, usability, and understanding.

This session will provide insights into the state of the art of Remote Sensing techniques, focusing on challenges and perspectives of the sector.

The deadline for sending the Extended Abstract for participating at Special Sessions is scheduled for February 28th, 2022.

The Extended abstract must be sent to the email address:

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